Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Breastfeeding and Dieting

Yikes!  So I am already having troubles.  Who knew?  I am not a completely successfull breastfeeding mama.  I have had issues in the past with this.  I just don't see to produce enough milk, be it poor latch or dehydration or another problem I have had to supplement with all three kiddos.  Stella's diet is about half breast milk and half formula.  For the diehards that probably sounds like child abuse, but I am actually really happy about it.

However, to try and diet while breastfeeding, I can almost feel myself drying up as I avoid eating that cookie that is staring at me.  So, last week I didn't diet.  I tried to really hydrate and I ate more, not everything under the sun like I was; but more.  And I didn't lose anything.

Now, to be fair. I also didn't exercise, at all.  It has been tough.  Stella only is napping for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.  So it doesn't give me much opportunity to get anything done, like feed the other children and myself.  So I am going to give you my stats with the knowledge that I am working out this week.  It is Wednesday and I have already got two days under my belt and I AM SORE!

Weight - 166

Shoulders - 41
Bust - 37.5
Waist - 32
Hips - 43
Thigh - 24.75
Arm - 12
Calf - 14.75

Size - 12/14

My goals this week:

  • Lose one pound
  • Exercise:  I am doing the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels this week
  • Take before shots of full body
Staying hydrated is my goal this week also.  I am using a new method that I am forcing my self to drink a full glass of water with every nursing session.  This will give me 7-8 glasses with just nursing and then of course I drink with meals also, or as thirsty.  Good news, I have been going to the bathroom a lot more so I must be doing something right!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Measurements - Week 2

Weight - 165.2

Shoulders - 41
Bust - 38.5
Waist - 31.75
Hips - 43
Thigh - 25
Arm - 12
Calf - 14

Size - 12/14

My goals this week:

  • Lose one pound
  • Exercise:  pushups, situps, plies and walk at least twice
  • Take full body before shots
I really have to find 10 minutes a day to do some strength training.  I am not getting to this at all right now and I need that new muscle to boost my metabolism.

Before Pictures

Here are all recent photos of me.  These are all candid shots.  And all are from when I was pregnant in 2010.

Here is a fairly normal make up job, but most important this is prior to cutting my hair for four months!  I will have new hair pictures by next weekend.  I have gotten it cut and am coloring it (thank goodness) next Saturday to get ready of the two tone hair.  I only got highlights once while I was pregnant with Stella.

Here is a shot of me with no makeup on.  New makeup goals would be to reduce redness and dark pigmentation for a more even complexion.  Also, I like that my eyes are big, but somehow when I put on makeup it seems to actually reduce the size of my eyes.  I think my eyebrows are sagging into my eyes and need to work on how to make them less heavy looking.  Also, my lips, my best feature just sort of get lost but I feel like a drag queen if I wear a lot of lipstick.  I need to pluck everything because my facial hair adds to the dark looking pigmentation around my lips, eyebrows and sideburns.  I never look like I have any eyelashes or eye makeup on in general when I take photos.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting Measurements - Week 1

Here are my starting measurements for week 1.  I jumped the gun a little, one day early.  So this week I get 8 days to achieve my goal. 

Weight - 166

Shoulders - 43
Bust - 39
Waist - 32
Hips - 43
Thigh - 25
Arm - 12
Calf - 14

Size - 14

My goals this week:

  • Lose one pound
  • Decide on hair cut and color
  • Exercise:  pushups, situps, plies and walk at least twice
  • Take before pictures
That's it folks!  Keep it simple and try not to get wrapped around food goals yet.  I also want to drink a lot of water. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Here We Go

My intention with this blog is to document the process of reinventing myself.  This could take a lot of avenues but to start, I am concerned with the exterior.  I have a blog that is all about my family, here.  Reinventing This Girl is all about me.  No holds barred, a completely selfish and self centered view of the world.

I have a six week old baby and two older children.  Part of this process will be to relieve myself of baby weight for the third time.  In the past I have always gotten the weight off, and then some.  Which has been really nice.  Here is my progression in rough numbers.  (Just for the record, I am 5'11" tall and 36 years old.)

2004 - pre baby 170ish, probably a size 12 or 14
2005 - highest weight with baby 215 or so
2005  - post baby weight 165, I had no real difficulty maintaining this.  Between a 10 and a 12.
2006 - highest weight with baby 195 or so
2007 - post baby weight 155, between an 8 and a 10.
2008 - lowest point was 152 and I was wearing size small shirts, but still mostly an 8 on the bottom.  Occasionally could fit into a six.
2009 and 2010 - gained a little back during exercise hiatus to 157 or 159.
2010 - pre baby moving back to 155 and feeling really good.
2010 - highest baby weight 192
2010 - post baby 6 weeks 166

I believe in goals.  I am a goal whore.  I love my goals.  If I don't have a goal, you will probably find me sitting on my couch in my pajamas at 3:30 watching daytime TV.  I need goals.  That being said, I hesitate to share my goals.  I want to share them, but I am worried that they are too aspirational and I will fail if I utter them outloud. 

But here goes. 

Goal 1 
140 lbs, which is what I weighed as I headed off to college.  I would also like to have a waist size that is less than 27 inches.  I have not in recent years been able to get below a waist size of 29 inches.  My hips follow slowly 11 inches bigger than my waist at 40 inches.  This to me would translate into a size 6 or maybe smaller in some clothing.

Goal 2
Define my personal style.  This includes knowing where I like to shop and knowing what items look best on me.  This also includes defining my "uniform", the clothes that work best on me for my lifestyle.  I have difficulties shopping which include; three small children, being 5'11", getting overwhelmed in discount stores like TJ Maxx and of course the all important lack of money.

Goal 3
Hair and makeup makeover.  I love makeup, so this one is so much fun (compared to the other two).  I don't plan on changing my hair drastically, but who knows that may change.

In pursuing these three goals I hope to breakdown, what I perceive as complicated girl stuff into easy manageable bites.  I envision this taking the better part of 2011.

Welcome, I hope you will join me in this journey!  Who knows, you may learn something or be inspired to learn something.